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Axis Movement Restriction Before Homing

Posted: Tue Dec 21, 2021 1:34 pm
by AmitKumar171
Hi tom ,

I am using KFLOP+ Konnect for my machine.

I am using one Homing program (Simple Home 3axis.c default program). and I want to restrict all axis movement until homing is done on the machine. Because before homing soft limit is not active as i defined soft limit in its homing program and it hits the mechanical stops, for example if i press ESTOP button on the machine and then release estop initialize(INIT.c) the axis, and after that all axis DRO goes to 0. So after that INIT.c file , homing (Simple Home 3axis.c default program) should be a must, How to proceed with that, or give a warning to user before any axis movement that this machine is not referenced / HOMED.

Please help me with the same.

Waiting for your kind reply.

Re: Axis Movement Restriction Before Homing

Posted: Tue Dec 21, 2021 4:45 pm
by TomKerekes
Hi Amit,

You might not enable the Axes in the INIT C Program. Instead enable the Axes in the Home Program.

You might also not reset the machine position to 0 in the INIT C Program as the encoder positions are likely to be still valid after an EStop. To enable axis 0 at the current encoder position you might do:

EnableAxisDest(0, ch0->Position);

Re: Axis Movement Restriction Before Homing

Posted: Wed Dec 22, 2021 5:33 am
by AmitKumar171
TomKerekes wrote:
Tue Dec 21, 2021 4:45 pm
Hi Amit,

You might not enable the Axes in the INIT C Program. Instead enable the Axes in the Home Program.

You might also not reset the machine position to 0 in the INIT C Program as the encoder positions are likely to be still valid after an EStop. To enable axis 0 at the current encoder position you might do:

EnableAxisDest(0, ch0->Position);
Hi Tom,

Thanks for the reply.

I have understand about estop condition. What if i restart the machine as well as KFLOP. Will that enable axis still works in that case. and what if machine is lying on limit switch, will that disable axis will not cause the problem.

Waiting for kind reply.

Re: Axis Movement Restriction Before Homing

Posted: Wed Dec 22, 2021 5:20 pm
by TomKerekes
Hi Amit,

If you power cycle KFLOP the encoder positions will be lost and the axes will be disabled and you will need to re-home.

I don't understand the question about limit switch. Limit Switch disables will not cause a loss of encoder position. Why not try it?