Requirement lathe conversion

Moderators: TomKerekes, dynomotion

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Requirement lathe conversion

Post by McScotty » Wed Jul 28, 2021 7:41 pm

Hi Tom,
I already own a KFLOP / Kanalog for my mill. Now I´m retrofitting a small lathe and I want it to be capable of doing threading with spindle syncronisation in realtime. It should be possible to turn the spindle by hand with Z in sync. Axes should be closed loop. All this should work under Mach3.

The machine has two NEMA34 Steppers (6A) for X and Z, Differential TTL quadrature Glass rulers on X and Z, rotational encoder with 2500 PPR and index on spindle, spindle controlled by VFR. What do I need besides a KFLOP? Is KStep capable of doing all this? Or should I consider SnapAmp?


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Re: Requirement lathe conversion

Post by TomKerekes » Wed Jul 28, 2021 8:12 pm

Hi Thomas,
It should be possible to turn the spindle by hand with Z in sync
Axes should be closed loop
All this should work under Mach3
Please use our free KMotionCNC instead. Mach3 is obsolete and unsupported.
The machine has two NEMA34 Steppers (6A) for X and Z, Differential TTL quadrature Glass rulers on X and Z, rotational encoder with 2500 PPR and index on spindle, spindle controlled by VFR. What do I need besides a KFLOP? Is KStep capable of doing all this? Or should I consider SnapAmp?
KStep could drive the Steppers at 5A. You would have to add differential receivers for the linear encoders. SnapAmp should provide enough current and provides differential receivers.

KFLOP's encoder inputs are rated for 1 million quadrature counts/sec. If your encoders are 2500x4=10000 counts per rev then the spindle would be limited to 6000 RPM.

Tom Kerekes
Dynomotion, Inc.

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